You Become What You Scroll

We are immersed in a technological world and there’s no getting out of it. There’s no going back, and for many of us, we don’t want to. Technology has changed our lives for the better. But we can’t miss the fact that technology has changed our lives. While technology has made so much in life easier, efficient, and innovative, at the same time many of us have become trapped in technology. Before we even saw it coming, the technology in our pockets was changing us, but not for the better. Without realizing it, we’ve let a 6-inch screen conform us. How then do we take back control of technology and become transformed? Join Vintage Church as we start off a new year discovering how we intentionally curate our hearts for the kind of intentional transformation God wants for us.

Sermons in this Series

Series Resources

Books on Technology & Spiritual Formation

Other Resources on Technology & Spirituality

The Hang Ten Movement is a set of ten technology practices for communities of Christians who want to receive the gifts of technology while fighting against its evils.

It’s not a set of rules! It is a vision for how we can communally raise children to use technology for good. We cannot teach children how to use technology alone. We need schools, churches, youth groups, and families all committing together to be a light to the world in a dark cultural moment. The Hang Ten Movement is not a movement about fear of technology. But it is a vision for how the of love of God and neighbor should radically change how we use it.

When paired with the Aro app, the Aro box creates an environment of presence and connection in your home.

The box acts as the visual cue to be present with your family, automatically tracks and rewards you for intentional time away from your phone, and charges your phone while you recharge.
