Vintage Arts

At Vintage Church, we believe that every avenue and expression of art conveys a story.
Any genre of the arts has a story to tell, and as believers and followers of Christ, we have the greatest story. The gospel is the only story that, when believed upon and received, offers forgiveness of sins and new, abundant, eternal life through Jesus.

Gospel-centered art points to the grace, hope, and mercy that it is in Jesus alone, reminding us of our depravity that is the sin of this world. It is through the gospel and by the power of the gospel that hearts are changed and made new and lives are changed and made useful for His glory.
In the book of Acts, we are called by Jesus and empowered by the Spirit to be His witnesses. We are commissioned to tell His great story, the Good News. He is Jesus and He is Savior to all. The arts have an amazing reach and powerful influence. Through all forms of art, we have the opportunity to respond to Jesus and share His truth and His love.

At Vintage Church, our focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ. We aim to tell of the finished and complete work of His death, burial, and victorious resurrection. There is power in His Name. There is salvation in Him alone. Through creativity, song, and originality, the arts in the church reflect and point to the full gospel.

Vintage Arts Ministry Areas

Interested in the Arts? Fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you soon!