Why Does God Hate Racism?

August 9, 2020
Amos 5:1–17
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Sermon Description

What does God have to say about racism? God hates racism because racism is contrary to the justice of God.


In lieu of a formal discussion guide for this series, we're going to spend time in focused prayer. Each week we will be praying for 2 different things: 1. A topic related to the sermon and the series and 2. One of our ServeNOLA partners. Join our church as we pray for ourselves, our church, our city, and our world.

Racism Series
  • Pray that we would mourn the sin of racism. Lament the fact that racism still exists in our world, both individually and systemically. As you lament, trust that God will bring justice.
ServeNOLA Partner: CrossroadsNOLA
  • For the children in foster care. They are in care from no fault of their own. Pray they would be able to receive the hope and healing they need to thrive.
  • More foster families! Kids need families and there is a shortage of available homes. Specifically, for children 7-years and older there is a significant lack of homes. Pray for families to say "yes" to foster care.
  • Support for foster families. Families putting in the work as foster parents need support––from their church, their neighbors and their friends. Pray that foster families would feel encouraged to ask for help and that those around them would proactively offer support in practical ways.
  • System-wide change. Trauma has a negative effect on a child’s body and brain. But, when the adults involved in the child welfare system understand this, they can help children heal and thrive. Pray that foster parents, social workers, educators and judges will be willing to gain the knowledge and skills they need to provide the best possible care and make the best decisions for vulnerable children and families.
Sermon Snapshot

Check out a brief snapshot from this message. Like what you see? Make sure to check out the full sermon video above.

Trust God's Justice
God Has and Will Execute His Justice. Watch as Pastor Dustin encourages and challenges us to trust God’s justice.

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